DeltaChem touch of chemistry
Delta Chem s.r.o. - distribuce chemických produktů

Most of the approximately 250 sorts of chemicals, delivered either from the store terminal in Ústí nad Labem or directly from individual manufacturers, is delivered directly to the premises of the customer.
Supplies are delivered by railway, road and combined transport.
Truck transport is the most frequently used type. Trucks and smaller vehicles cover the whole European network of business contacts with high precision and speed of deliveries.
Liquid chemicals are delivered in specialised truck tanks manned by experienced and trained crews who are able to deal with problems connected with loading and unloading of articles.
All vehicles are permanently connected to the control room in order to provide instant solutions. As a prevailing part of the supplied range of chemicals are substances that are subject to a special regime for hazardous substances, our fleet is fitted with equipment that complies with ADR (International Agreement for Transportation of Hazardous Substances).

Delivered chemicals are divided into three main groups:
Technické chemikálie
např. kyselina fluorovodíková, kyselina sírová, hydroxid sodný, hydroxid draselný, soli kyselin, rozpouštědla apod.
Čisté a speciální chemikálie
např. kyselina citronová, kyselina askorbová apod.
Potravinářské chemikálie
chemikálie v kvalitách Čistý, p.a., chemicky čistý, PhEUR. apod.