DeltaChem touch of chemistry

Delta Chem s.r.o. - distribuce chemických produktů

About us

DeltaChem s.r.o. is a Czech manufacturing and distribution company that was established in 1996. As it based in one of the centres of the Czech chemicals industry, the company’s core business is the supply of chemicals and relevant supplier’s services.

Over the years of its existence, the company has established itself as a supplier of industrial but mostly special chemicals for different segments of industries both in the Czech Republic and Europe.

The selection of strong suppliers from all over the world and close co-operation with them means the company can offer high quality parameters. The broad expertise of our personnel helps us deliver prompt solutions to issues connected with everyday life and programme development of the company. .
About 250 sorts of supplied chemicals cover a wide range of uses in many industries.

Delivered chemicals are divided into three main groups: