DeltaChem touch of chemistry
Delta Chem s.r.o. - distribuce chemických produktů
The aim of the analytical service is to provide a complex overview of the quality of the delivered product, focusing on important aspects for the relevant branch (such as content of heavy metals in the food-processing industry, etc.)
Apart from manufacturing, a number of other related activities
also deal with chemicals . To enable our customers to concentrate
on their
business, we provide activities that are connected with the
environmental aspect of using chemical products and we work closely
with our contractual partners:
- Consultancy on disposal of
- waste
- emissions
- sewerage water
- Ensure complex development or supply of plant and technology
for environmentally-friendly building projects:
- biological filters
- wastewater treatment plants
- separators
- Disposal of chemical waste, including hazardous waste, i.e. acids and hydroxides
- waste transportation
- truck tanks
- container vehicles
- packed waste
- Chemical analysis of waste and service water
- Chemical analysis of waste
Delivered chemicals are divided into three main groups:
Technické chemikálie
např. kyselina fluorovodíková, kyselina sírová, hydroxid sodný, hydroxid draselný, soli kyselin, rozpouštědla apod.
Čisté a speciální chemikálie
např. kyselina citronová, kyselina askorbová apod.
Potravinářské chemikálie
chemikálie v kvalitách Čistý, p.a., chemicky čistý, PhEUR. apod.